Friday, October 12, 2007

Still idiots about video games

Halo 3 (page 28) does not have buildings that get wrecked during firefights. Zero destructable environments son. Also, the rippling that really "Special"?

Also, no more ending reviews with "(some act related to said review) has never been this much fun"

Why not just say it's like Halo 2 ON ACID

or, like Dynasty Warriors meets God of War!

puke in my shoes.

Los Angeles is #2 Tough

page 93. LA is tough because there's tons of Marines signing up here.

Wait, doesn't that mean that all the tough dudes left town?

Learn to Fuck Like Chuck Liddell

some things are better left mis-read

Interview with Erica Durance

see also every other girl to do the three page, centerfoldy interview in maxim.

Things i'm going to guess about it:
(page 77)

She wasn't hot in high school
She's down to date 'regular' guys
She's not into the party lifestyle of your Lohans
She's kinda nerdy (but not actually)

let's see how I did...
(and swear to god I didn't read it beforehand)

yup, tomboy - answer to second question
looks like I blew #2, she's dating an actor
nailed the party girl thing - fourth answer
nerdy--eh. Something about a turkey farm, the rest is about acting, which

Chery Burke is in her underwear

well, actually, I hope they aren't hers (p104), because there's no way you could get clothes over them. More like a pre-sex bathing suit really.

it's way more debasing to pose in your underwear than naked. Naked's a statement (even just "Hey, they payed me $20,000!"). Underwear is aim-to-please. Watch my show, read my book, check out my website, here's pics of me in my let's screw attire.